How To Make 100k – 200k Per Month From Ushering Jobs

Pro Event Hostess

1 year ago

How do you make 100k – 200k every month doing ushering jobs? How do you become a 6-figure event hostess?

You just need to earn 25k – 50k every week to achieve this!

To be able to hit this income goal, you need to work for a minimum of 3 days a week or do three jobs per week. You can either work at a 3-day event every weekly, or work at 3 different 1-day events per week.



Let’s put the maths in practical together:

Premium hostesses get paid per job a minimum of 10k per day. In some cases, you would be paid 15k, 20k or 30k for one day. But we would still do this maths using the minimum payment of 10k. 

So, if you make 10kat each event and you work for three days a week, you earn 30k in a week.

30k every week for 4 weeks in a month is 120k.

And that is the least amount you can make for working for only 3 days in a week.

But if you want to increase this income to 200k or more, you would work for 5 days in a week – just like those in 9-5 jobs.

With 10k payment daily, 5 days a week, you’re taking home 200k in a month.

Now, if you do jobs where your pay is above 10k per event, you can easily hit this 200k working for just 3 or 4 days a week. So, you can see it is absolutely possible for you to be making six figures every month from ushering jobs.

Now the next thing you’re wondering is: How do I get at least 3-day jobs every week to hit this income target?

Continue reading to find out how to do that.

In our experience, there are challenges that hinder hostesses from getting up to 3 days of work per week,  and we would list them all and give you the solution for all of them.

  1. I don’t know how to start getting event hostess or ushering jobs.
  2. Whenever I apply for jobs they don’t pick me.
  3. I have registered with so many agencies, but they don’t call me for jobs.
  4. I get jobs but they are not regular. 

Which of these 4 categories do you fall into?

Whichever category, in this article, we’re going to give you a solution to all them.

1. I don’t know how to start getting ushering jobs 

You can get ushering jobs in 4 major ways:

  • If you want regular job opportunities, the easiest way to get that is to join an ushering or event staffing agency.

For some agencies, they already have a stipulated guideline of how you can join them, this guideline is either written on their website or their social media pages. All you have to do is to discover how to apply to them. You can also send them a message or email asking them how to apply to their agency.

Now after your application or after sending them a message, the next thing you want to do is to follow them up online. Keep up with their updates, stalk their social media pages, so that whenever they post job opportunities or are open for recruitment, you would be the first to know and apply early. 

Joining an agency is one major way you can guarantee yourself of getting consistent jobs. In our Masterclass, we shared contacts of some trusted and verified agencies that you can apply to join their agencies. 

  • By following or joining job broadcast platforms:

This may be an Instagram or Facebook page, WhatsApp group, Telegram channel or any other platform. A lot of job opportunities are usually broadcasted in these online platforms and all you have to do is apply to the job with the right information as fast as possible. 

It’s very important that your application is strong. Apply with professional pictures, your correct measurements of height and statistics and dress size. 

Stay active and alert for posts and updates from these platforms and be the first to apply when a job opportunity is announced, and you’re on your way to getting a lot of ushering jobs.

In our Masterclass, we also shared the direct contacts of some of our trusted job posting platforms you can follow for updates. 

  • Through referrals

When you’re working at any event, some of your colleagues may be working with different agencies and can easily refer you for jobs. So, what you have to do is be a good team player, exchange contacts, get connected as much as you can when you’re working.

If you maintain a good relationship with other hostesses, you will get consistent jobs through their information and referrals.

  • Through personal branding

By positioning yourself as a professional event hostess. This entails how your online profile is presented. If you check out some top hostesses on Instagram, once you visit their profile you will see how they are bio is written professionally stating clearly: Professional Event Hostess or a Model, or Event coordinator.

When you check out their pictures, you would see professional pictures and some pictures of them at events they have worked at proudly captioned that they’re professional hostesses and you should contact them for your next event.

So, organize your online page, either Instagram, Tiktok or Facebook profile to appeal to ushering agencies. Sell yourself as a professional event hostess that is available for work.

Many times, agencies scout online for hostesses, and you are auditioned or screened via the quality of your profile. 

This is what happens often – when the job posting platforms post job opportunities, sometimes they ask that the applicants comment that they are interested on the post (that is assuming they do not state a specific application method).

When you comment that you are interested, the agency that is hiring for that job would visit your profile to screen you.  When your profile is professionally set up with good pictures, you’ll be contacted directly via DM for that job. 

Personal branding helps you get jobs without undergoing a series of auditions. Having your online profile properly set up is a really great way of attracting jobs for yourself when you are applying and even when you don’t apply.

We showed a practical demo of how you can set up your Instagram page to look professional in our Masterclass. 


2. Whenever I apply for jobs, they don’t pick me

Note that 80% of ushering jobs auditions are done online.  This means that your highest selling point is your professional pictures.

Whenever you want to apply for an ushering job, do not apply with your regular pictures that you took with your phone – Apply with professional pictures.

You get only one chance to make a first impression and you want to make sure that impression is strong. Also ensure that you meet the requirements for the job, if the job brief states a specific height or body size, make sure that you fit into the requirement before applying.

As a pro tip, even when you don’t fit into all the requirements, but you’re confident that your pictures and skills are very good, go ahead and apply for that job.

Sometimes when you are looking very physically attractive in your pictures or possess impressive work experience and skills on the job, agencies may overlook your height or body size and pick you for the job. 

Invest in professional pictures if you want to get regular jobs and apply with the right information. Follow application instructions correctly and you would get picked as many times as possible.


3. I have registered with so many agencies, but they don’t call me for jobs

There are only two reasons why an agency you’re registered in won’t call you for jobs. It is your professionalism and availability. 

There are hostesses who get recruited to an agency and never submit good or professional pictures that can get jobs or complete their registration documents.

Any agency who meets hostesses like this won’t take them seriously or bother calling them for jobs. They would prefer to continue working with the same set of hostesses who have completed all requirements and have very attractive pictures, because these are the team that would keep their business going.

The second reason is your work attitude. If you do not do well at any job, the agency will likely not call you again. Do you come late to work, turn up looking unattractive or don’t adhere to dress codes? 

When you’re working at any job, you should try to impress the clients by offering an excellent service so that your agency can retain the client and keep getting more jobs from them. f the client is happy, they share their feedback with your agency, then you would be regularly contacted for jobs.

When it comes to availability, an agency would rarely contact a hostess again if she is often unavailable for a job more than once when called.

Also, when you’re scheduled for a job and you’re unavailable, give your agency a minimum of 24 hours’ notice to get a replacement. If you had an emergency that happened less than 24 hours to the event day, send a replacement for that job in addition to an apology and explanation for your unavailability.

So, when your agency calls you for jobs, ensure you go the extra mile to deliver excellent service and impress them with your professionalism. Whenever there’s another job you will be the first hostess that they call.


4. I get jobs, but they are not regular

This is what happens when you put all your eggs in one basket. As a professional event hostess, you cannot afford to be registered with only one agency.  You need to be registered with at least 3 – 5 top agencies and also be on various job portal groups where you get updates. 

This way you are sure of getting regular jobs every week and hitting your 6-figure monthly income target.

In conclusion, make as many connections in this industry as possible, ask your colleagues about their own agencies, when you see agencies recruiting and you feel like this is a right fit for you and the type of agency you want to work with, apply to them and send in appropriate applications.

Spread out your options and make sure you are connected in this industry and you’re going to get as many jobs as possible every week. 

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